Simon Elvis Solomon
After much time thinking that child support is a worthy ambition I have finally taken the plunge. Simon Elvis made me smile.. Plus, he likes soccer and is an average performer at school.. We have some connection here I think.. ha.Below is just the little blurb Compassion International gave me:

Child Biography
Simon Elvis Solomon
Birthday: March 13, 1993
Age: 13
Country: Tanzania
Program: River Lutheran Student Center
Personal and Family Information:Simon makes his home with his mother. Carrying water, gathering firewood and caring for animals are his household duties. His mother is sometimes employed as a farmer. There are 2 children in the family.As part of Compassion's ministry, Simon participates in church activities and Bible class. He is also in primary school where his performance is average. Soccer, playing with cars and playing group games are his favorite activities.Your love and support will help Simon to receive the assistance he needs to develop his potential. Please pray for him.
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