Hampstead vs Southern
I am convinced there are days the Good Lord creates just so that we may stay inside and enjoy eachothers company and warmth. Also, to remember how good a sunrise or hot wind can feel.. Those in Wagga will know what I'm tallking about.. but yesterday.. ANZAC day was not one of 'those' days.. no, it was one of 'THOSE' days. 8 degrees. drving wind, stinging rain, soggy muddy ground. When I was in Sydney, and I was 16, playing sport in the rain was almost a perfect saturday. There is a significant difference though; Sydney's wind does not come straight from the Antartic. OK.. so you can see where this is going - I'm not even sure what the score was.. except that we scored nada.. zero.. diddly squat. I had one kick at goal.. never had a chance. To the boys who couldn't make the game, or were injured, consider yourselves blessed.
On a bright note.. I came home from the game... only in a towel - since Mark had nicked off early with my clothes in his car! but got in the door and promptly boiled myself in the bath for half an hour. Never felt better. Davey and Brian came around and with Spencer we had a chilled out, recovery style, beer 'n pizza night.
And now to my joy, is my first day at Ashburton Baptist. Not due in till 10:30 though.. Gold.
No photos.. who'd want any..
but in the interest of the Mo banter that has been going around..

Where is Ashburton????
about there..
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